
Wonderful Creatures

Long-tailed Weasel

Lont-tailed Weasel

Long-tailed Weasel at Coal Oil Point Reserve - July 2012

Otters along the Gaviota Coast

Point Conception Area and Sea Otter Count, lighthouse, Rhinocerous auklet, Grey Whale, we counted over 50 otters - January 16, 2009

Hollister/Bixby Ranch Area Sea Otter Photos and Links

Fiesta Parade - Santa Barbara - 2007

Santa Barbara Fiesta Parade - August 3, 2007, beautiful costumes, people, horse drawn carriages and horseback riders

Santa Barbara Fiesta Parade Photos and Links

Dogface Butterfly
Dogface butterfly Colias eurydice - Cachuma campgrounds, Las Padres National Forest, Santa Ynez, California - April 1, 2007
More information on this insect

Surfing Sea Lions San Nicolas Feb 2007
Surfing Sea Lions at San Nicolas Island - February 2007

Seals, Sea Lions and Elephant Seals - Pinniped and Otariidae

Sea Elephant, San Nicolas Island February  2007
Sea Elephant at San Nicolas Island - February 2007

Monarch Butterflies
Ellwood Main Monarch Butterfly Grove
January 21, 2007

Ellwood Monarch Butterfly Grove

dolphin Channel Islands
Common Dolphin - Santa Barbara Channel Islands, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz 07/09/06

Dolphins and Whales

John with a gopher at Yankee Farm 03/05/06

It's a dog party, a big dog party. Arroyo Burro Beach, Sunday Morning, July 23, 2005

Haskels to El Capitain
 04/20/03 Seals at "Seals" and Napals

Rattlesnake Canyon July 6th 2004
Santa Barbara Foothills, Rattlesnake Canyon trail, Rainbow Trout, Pearly Everlasting

San Marcos Pass Area July 4th 2004
Cold Springs Tavern, Lizard Rock and Knapps Castle, California gopher snake, Kate, Yvonne and Callie

Fiesta Parade August 6th, 2004
Parade horses and costumes, Fiesta Eggs, Mayor Marty Bloom and husband, Old Spanish Days, Santa Barbara horseback riders

Ed, Cris, John and Callie hike around160 Acre Parcel, San Marcos Pass area, pacific rattlesnake, oaks, white sage and views from the parcel. 07/20/04

Cris Sandoval Placing a Bee Swarm into a Hive Box
April 7th, 2005 at Coal Oil Point Reserve

Paseo Nuevo - July 15, 2005
Santa Barbara Snake Rescue show downtown folks adoptable snakes.

Interests of Callie | Birds | Surfing | Santa Barbara Farmers' Market, Gardening and Farming | Snowy Plovers | Trips and Places

Callie's e-mail: [email protected]